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Hypothesis–Experiment Class(Kasetsu Jikken Jugyo)

What is Kasetsu-Jikken-Jugyo(Hypothesis–Experiment Class)?

*Hypothesis–Experiment Class (HEC or Kasetsu)*, is an excellent Japanese class format originally established by Dr. Itakura in 1963 as both a general method of science education and a set of specific implementations of that method.
In essence, the Kasetsu process is multiple sequential cycles of Problem > Expectation > Discussion > Experiment based on Itakura’s theory, in which recognition of scientific truth is established only through experiment. HEC Classbook used in HEC Classes are unique among traditional textbooks. It includes tasks for teachers as well as for students and guides the class with specific instructions, so we call it Jugyo-sho or HEC Classbook in English in order to distinguish its function from conventional textbooks.
Almost all classes run with the Jugyo-shos demonstrate good reproducibility of class performance independent of teachers and students. Additionally, around 80‐90% of students report that they “liked” or “really liked” the classes.
Attractive HEC Classbooks in various fields have been developed and utilized in all grades from primary education to university liberal arts education. Recently, several Kasetsu classes have been put into practice in international settings, so we expect and hope for further adoption and expansion of Kasetsu.

* Hypothesis–Experiment Class is “Kasetsu-Jikken-Jugyo” in Japanese. Abbreviation for Kasetsu-Jikken-Jugyo we often use Kasetsu.

* The original paper advocating Hypothesis–Experiment Class is included in the following book, translated into English, which is available for your perusal.
"Hypothesis–Experiment Class (Kasetsu)"
The PREFACE can be found here .