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Hypothesis–Experiment Class(Kasetsu Jikken Jugyo)


Unfortunately, most papers since the HEC (Kasetsu) advocacy in 1963 have been written in Japanese. This page lists the primary papers published in English, selected by the Hypothesis–Experiment Class (Kasetsu) Translation and Publication Committee. Please note that for papers published before 2018, Hypothesis–Experiment Class (Kasetsu) is translated as Hypothesis–Experiment Instruction (HEI).

The Hypothesis–Experiment–Instruction Method of Learning Its Implementation with Two Classwork Books, Spring and Force and Magnet
Here, an outline of the theory and a brief report of the results of implementation with two "classwork books" will be given.
Amplification of Cognitive Motivation and its Effects on Epistemic Observation
Kayoko INAGAKI and Giyoo HATANO,American Educational Research Journal Fall, Vol.14, No.4, pp.485-491 (1977)
This article evaluates and examines the teaching methods and background ideas of the Hypothesis–Experiment-Instruction from the perspective of intrinsic motivation for learning.
Mechanics programmes under the Japanese instruction theory "HEC"
Koji TSUKAMOTO ,Proc. of ESERA 2017, Dublin City University, Part 3 (co-ed. Sabine Fechner &Andrée Tiberghien), pp. 528-534
Itakura advocated Kasetsu Jikken Jugyo, or Hypothesis Experiment Class(HEC)in English, in 1963. The lesson plan ‘Spring and Force’, developed and published in the early days of Itakura’s work, remains highly effective at teaching statics in schools, even today.
Introducing dynamics by 'The Hypothesis–Experiment Class(HEC)'
Koji TSUKAMOTO ,ASE international (The Association for Science Ecucation), No.6 June 2019, pp.35-37
This article explains a particular approach to teaching called 'The Hypothesis Experiment Class(HEC)', advocated by Dr. Kiyonobu Itakura in 1963 in Japan.
Students love molecular models: Hypothesis–Experiment Classbook: ‘If you Could See an Atom’
Hiroshi YOKOTANI, Mariko KOBAYASHI, Haruki ABE, Tomoko HASEGAWA, Haruhiko FUNAHASHI,ASE (The Association for Science Education) International Journal, No.18 May 2023, pp.6-14
The authors highlight the importance of promoting science education through the use of materials and methods to teach the most basic concepts or laws of science. At the heart of this process is experimentation and using ideas and guidance from the Hypothesis-Experiment Classbooks to promote science learning.
Students love applying molecular models: Hypothesis–Experiment Classbook 'The Three Phases of Matter'
Hiroshi YOKOTANI, Mariko KOBAYASHI, Haruki ABE, Tomoko HASEGAWA, Haruhiko FUNAHASHI,ASE (The Association for Science Education) International Journal, No.18 May 2023, pp.15-25
Building on the previous article in this issue, the authors show in detail how using one of the Hypothesis–Experiment Classbooks, 'The Three Phases of Matter', helps to promote science teaching and learning.